
Bambi 3

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                                           Bambi 3

Chapter 1

Ronno glared into Bambi's eyes filled with hatred. It was so not fair!
Ronno was older, stronger, and braver than Bambi so why didn't Faline choose him? Ronno felt like grabbina a man's gun and shooting Bambi. He wanted Bambi to die. Faline
didn't deserve him, she deserved Ronno. It was as plain as possible.
   Bambi stared into Ronno's eyes. As much as he hated to do it, Bambi
knew that he would have to exile Ronno when they were both older otherwise
Ronno would cause way to much misery. Yet, Bambi still felt a little sorry for Ronno.
C'mon, Bambi, don't think like that you'll turn soft. Bambi told himself,
yet for some reason, Bambi couldn't shake the feeling off of him. Why did he feel sorry for Ronno? He didn't deserve it. Ronno was trying to steal Faline away from him.
Although, Faline had been acting strange lately, like she didn't want to be with
him any more, like there was someone else...
   Ronno ran back to his den in the forest, telling himself over and over
again:I hate you Bambi, I hate you, I hate you, I HATE you! But for some reason, he
couldn't shake the feeling off of him. It didn't make sense! If Ronno
hated Bambi, then when he hurt Bambi why did he feel like he was only
hurting himself?
   When Ronno got home, his mother looked grave. It looked like she
had something to tell Ronno but dreaded to.
   "What's wrong, Mother?" Ronno asked, a little nervous. His mother
had never looked like this before.
   "Ronno I have some thing to tell you." She began. "Y-your adopted!"
   "WHAT?" Ronno screamed. Adopted? What did she mean by adopted? Who
was his real mother then, and wht didn't he live with her?
   "A few days after you were born." Ronno's foster mother began again.
"Your father was killed. No one knows how. So your mother, Ria, looked
after you alone. Then, when you were a little older, Ria was shot by man.
It was lucky I found you. I had never had a mate of my own, so I decided
to take you in and tell you you were adopted when you were old enough.
That's why at first I told you that your fater was killed. You do understand,
don't you?"
   Ronno understood but wasn't prepared to listen to reason. He wasn't
going to live with a foster mother. No, he would live on his own. Ronno
thought he could survive and why shouldn't he? Ronno was old enough now to
get a mate himself (or, in his opinion, he was) so why be looked after by a
foster mother?
   "Shut up! I don't care!" Ronno shouted at his mother before sprinting out
of his den, keeping his head down so that no one would see his tears.
   "Ronno, wait, come back!" His foster mother shouted, but Ronno wasn't going
to turn back. Nothing would stop him from running as far away as possible from
his old home.
OK, this is a little creepy. Warning! If you don't like Bambi X Ronno then don't put a nasty comment, turn around, and walk away. Is that so hard? But for all Bambi X Ronno fans, welcome!
OK, in the first three chapters, they are still only fawns, OK, Ronno is a young stag, and can't understand why they keep getting this Feeling. In the rest of the chapters, they're adults.
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